Posted by: katiecrawford | April 15, 2009

My 48 hours of Twitter

TwitterSo soon my 48 hours of Twitter will end. As an assignment for Barbara Nixon’s class, we were to post at least ten tweets with in a 48-hour period to see how the experience had change from our very first week of Twitter. As I began dipping back into to the whole Twitter thing, I must admit I was not excited. But over the course of the 48 hours something inside of me changed. While posting tweets within the first couple of hours, I started to noticed some of my followers were posting their tweets from a place called TweetDeck. Feeling confused I decided to download TweetDeck and check it out. After about ten minutes, I was obessed.

This experience was so much different from my very first week of Twitter. My first week I was just getting used to all the devices and wasn’t really sure what the purpose of Twitter was. I was surprised to find that the tweets really were beneficial to me as a student in the public relations field. Although I feel comfortable with Twitter now, there are still some things I have yet to understand. For instance, how to follow a conversation. But I am not too worried because I will continue to use Twitter even after this class is over.

My professor encouraged us to follow several people in the public relations field, but I found some others that have been very beneficial to me throughout this entire process whether it was through an interview or just reading their posts to see what’s new in the PR world. I feel that these people could also be very helpful to other students in the PR field. The first person I would recommend following  is Heather Huhman (@heatherhuhman) because she is extremely helpful in answering interview questions and is always posting new internships and job opportunities for young PR students. The second person I would recommend is Shel Holtz (@shel) because he has a very interesting podcast called For Immediate Release: The Hobson and Holtz Report that is a twice weekly commentary that discusses public relations and technology. The third person I would recommend is Shonali Burke (@shonali) because she is a PR-pro who has great experience in several different fields of public relations. I have always enjoyed reading her tweets.

Although these 48 hours has flown by, I am glad that I had this experience with Twitter. It has opened me up to a whole new world that I never knew existed. So get on Twitter  and follow the millions who have already join today! You can follow me too! (@katie_crawford)


  1. Katie –

    I’m so touched – thank you! I’m honored to be in Heather’s and Shel’s company. I’m so glad you’re on Twitter, there are many fabulous PR professionals on there only too willing to help out. As you’ve experienced, all you have to do is ask. Congrats on taking the leap of faith to Twitter and I’m looking forward to tweeting with you!

  2. I can’t imagine managing Twitter without using TweetDeck. Glad you found it useful, too.

    And Shonali is great — I started following her during the #Mumbai crisis over Thanksgiving.

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